Animated abstracts & posters

Examples of shorter videos in academic and industry/public settings: capturing attention at conferences, played on screens, or highlighting project milestones on social media.

Case Study: Animated Poster of Research Outcomes

An animated poster designed to be played on a screen within an exhibition booth, as well as to be shared online.

Case Study: Seeking Engagement from the Public

A video used to promote a process of public engagement in developing policies for reducing CO2 output in Yorkshire.

Case Study: A Short Non-Technical Summary

A short summary of a project on shrimp farming for an industry-focused conference.

Case Study: Promotion of a New Research Network

A short summary of a project to create a network of researchers in a specific field.

Case Study: Seeking Engagement from the Public

A video used to promote a process of public engagement with the development of policies that can improve children’s nutrition.