Participant information videos

This is our bread and butter. We use a voice and tone that speaks to the target audience. We listen and respond to feedback and input from the get go, whether from patients, service users or yourselves.

Character Design: Tailored to Your Needs

We excel in creating custom characters and designing videos that authentically reflect your target demographic. Our portfolio highlights a mix of standard and bespoke characters, demonstrating our flexible approach. While standard off-the-shelf characters cover a wide range of demands, they sometimes fall short in representing the diversity of body types and abilities of the audience.

Case Study: Single Sided Deafness Study

Often we are asked to visually communicate the invisible and to take into account our participant’s disability and demographic. In this case we removed background music, split the screen and collaborated with a senior voiceover artist.

Study site here

Case Study: Foodbank Users

A family-friendly, gentle video with diverse characters for this study recruiting those experiencing food insecurity. We turn the participant information sheet into an engaging video.

Study page here

Case Study: Young Children With Cancer

In clinical trial recruitment we have worked with all ages. This video explains how and why to talk about physical and mental health to children age 5+.

Roughly half of our videos are created with Patient & Public Involvement (PPI). We can offer advice on managing the process and are sensitive to the needs and requirements of creating videos as a partner with PPI stakeholders. In this video, we explained what a lay co-applicant does.

Case Study: Public Patient Involvement PPI